Brightening Birthdays™

Bringing the excitement and fun of birthdays and family celebrations to homeless children at our programs across the country.

"My favorite thing during birthday parties is having children come to me and show off their painted faces and allowing me to capture the joy in their eyes. These birthdays give our employees and donors a window into the pure joy of extremely resilient children. It's magical." – a Volunteers of America employee

Through Brightening Birthdays™, our local offices hold birthday parties – complete with cake and presents! – for homeless children and families who have experienced homelessness.

“Brightening Birthdays is guaranteed to bring smiles and fun for all involved. We are committed to helping families capture or recapture the happiness of being together in celebration, especially when times are tough." – Mike King, president and CEO of Volunteers of America.

Currently, Volunteers of America has held more than 250 parties in 10 states for children celebrating birthdays in our programs. More than 1,000 birthday children celebrated with their families and over 4,250 additional children enjoyed sharing in the fun at birthday parties

Homeless kids often miss out on the celebrations most American families experience together, especially birthday parties. Make a donation or become a fundraiser today and help us brighten more kids' birthdays.


Members of the local community can also help make these family celebrations a success by volunteering or donating supplies. Visit one of our participating local office sites.

Brightening Birthdays™ allows children and families to experience joy, fun and recognition.