Thank You

Almost 1.3 million people in the United States received help from us last year through our local offices in 48 states — thanks in good part to supporters like you. People like Mel, a grandfather caring for his grandkids who had been diagnosed with autism and cancer — and so many other people that rely on you and the rest of our supporters were helped. Your support truly changes lives.

And we are so blessed you've joined us. We know there are many other worthy charities and you chose to trust us with your support.

Thank you again for choosing to give to Volunteers of America. Together we can help someone take the first step toward self-sufficiency and you're also helping to ensure that someone will be there to walk with them the extra mile.

As I say in my video thank you above, your gift has impacted someone's life whom you may never meet but they'll never forget what you did for them.

Thank you,


Mike King