Volunteers of America's 2016 New Year's Resolutions

2016new_year.jpgWith the start of the New Year, many of us use this time as an opportunity to identify those areas of our lives we would like to improve and "resolve" to make a change for the better. Most of these are relatively simple resolutions, like eating better or going to the gym more often. Sometimes we are more successful at changing our lives than others. We may falter a few times before achieving lasting, positive change.

Volunteers of America works with many vulnerable people who have also resolved to improve their lives. They hope to build a better existence for themselves and their families, but they face challenges more difficult than just losing a few pounds. Whether our clients struggle with poverty, homelessness, addiction or a combination of problems, we work to provide integrated and effective services aimed at fostering dignity and self-sufficiency.

The road to success is not always an easy or uninterrupted one for those we serve. Like that New Year's resolution to lose weight, many of our clients stumble a few times before reaching their goals. We at Volunteers of America understand this, and stand ready to support them through both the ups and the downs. Some of our clients come to us for a few weeks or months; some of them are with us for years. No two people follow the same journey, and we aim to tailor our services to everyone's unique needs.

During this New Year's period of renewal and rebirth, our goal is that Volunteers of America continues to be as a shining beacon of hope and support to those who need us. To ensure our future success, we cannot be shy or timid about sharing news of our good works. We must be diligent to rally supporters like you to help us achieve our mission, this year and beyond.

For more information about Volunteers of America's national network of services and what you can do to support us in 2016, please visit www.volunteersofamerica.org.

Thank you,


Mike King